why hope jaya dev

lkisaid thoughts, sounds, and creative miscellany episode 39

Excerpt from “Why Hope” by Ravi Zacharias:


aradhna – Jaya Dev:


Sanskrit words by Brahmabandhab Upadhyay
Music by Chris Hale and Peter Hicks

Upachita-chirachin-mukurita pratibimbita
You, who are the blossoming of abundant, eternal knowledge, the reflected one

Form of the infinite, highest of the high

Kanaka-kumaari-baalaka bhava-chaalaka
You, who are the child of the golden virgin, yet ruler of the universe

Nirguna-gunaabhiraama, Nirguna-gunaabhiraama
Full of delightful qualities yet beyond comprehension

Jaya Deva, Jaya Deva, Narahari, Narahari
Victory to God, Victory to God, the man-God

Pandita-mandala-mandana bhaya-khandana
You, who are the radiant gem in the assembly of the pandits, destroying fear

With a rod of rebuke, driving out the evil spirit

Aadhi-vyaadhi-vitaadana para-sevana
You, who dispel cares and destroy diseases, serving others,

Paavana-lilaa-khela, paavana-lilaa-khela, paavana-lilaa-khela
All your works shining with holiness

Vinivedita-nija-vedana bali-jeewana
You, who have offered yourself to suffer agony and dishonor,
the sacrifice of your life

Destroying the poison of evil within

Lalita-dayita-hrid-ranjana nayana-anjana
Desired one, beloved, delight of the heart, soothing ointment for straining eyes

Sudalita kaala-karaala, kaala-karaala, kaala-karaala
Victorious crusher of fierce death!

Narahari was introduced as a title for Christ by Brahmabandhab Upadhyay (1861-1907) in 1901. The title first appeared in a Sanskrit stotra by Upadhyay, where he describes how God reveals his love to us by becoming fully human while at the same time remaining independent and free of his creation. Upadhyay was always searching for words that sprung from the soil of India that could be used to describe various aspects of God’s nature. Nara-hari means, “man-God.” For more information on Upadhyay, read Julius Lipner’s, “Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: The Life and Thought of a Revolutionary.”

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