Our Father Thursday Meditation

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 120

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Our Father – Princess Ileana of Romania Mother Alexandra – Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer



Give us this day

THIS day is all I ask for, O Lord. Give me the strength for the hours as they come one by one. For my sustenance let me ask for that only which I need, Thy will to fulfill. Let me have enough of the spiritual and the material so that I may help all who knock at my door and send none empty away. Show me how to share the blessings of this day with my neighbor. Teach me to fear neither the good nor the bad, to bravely live them both to the full, through both working out Thy will. Let no lack of generosity hamper my actions. Let my heart never be so small that it cannot love and forgive. Let me have the humility truly to rejoice over every minute and what it brings. I know full well how undeserving I am; yet, let me seize every opportunity to turn every hour to Thy glory. Walk with me this day as Thou didst with Luke and Cleopas to Emmaus. Let Thine Angel guide me and show me what Thy demand of me is for this day.



Our daily bread

FOR all I have had this day I bless and thank Thee, O Lord. At no time has my need been left unsatisfied; only in those hours when I turned from Thee have I known want. I thank Thee, dear Lord and Master, for all that this day my brethren have shared with me. I thank Thee for sun and air, for house and food, for dear ones and friends, for every hour that has been mine. I thank Thee, also, for the hours of pain and stress that have widened my understanding. I thank Thee for the darkness that has made me see the light more clearly. I thank Thee for the enmity that has taught me to forgive.

How rich I am! How much hast Thou given me. Each day is added to all I already have. How generously hast Thou dealt with me! From the hour of my birth to this evening hour so much, so much hast Thou given me I cannot count it, I can but humbly thank Thee for Thyself: my daily bread.

Glory be to Thee, O Christ our God.



Our Father Carpatho-Russian

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/22_MIXST022_unknown.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Our-Father-CarpatheanChant.pdf


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Our Father Friday Meditation

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 121

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Our Father – Princess Ileana of Romania Mother Alexandra – Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer



Forgive us our trespasses

FULL of fault am I, my sin is ever before me, I start out Thy debtor in every way. I strive to keep straight but ever and again I fall. My one hope lies in Thy mercy. Yet, O wonder, were it not for sin I would not have known Thy loving kindness, the power of Thy forgiving love through Jesus Christ, my Lord.

As I start out upon this day seeking to come closer to Thee in all I do, it is the knowledge of Thy power to turn even my faults to good purpose that gives me the strength to go forth and do my work. In my past lie many transgressions I cannot of myself put right. The weight of them lays heavily upon me. But Thou hast said: ‘Come unto me all that are heavily burdened.’ To Thee I come, O Lord, humbly praying that this day may pass without sin and that I may make retribution, ever remembering the pain Thou didst suffer for me and all mankind, and thus keep to the true and only path that leads to Thee.



As we forgive those who trespass against us

AS I forgive, I ask to be forgiven! As I forgive N (think of the person you most dislike), how little mercy I deserve, for how little am I able myself to forgive! Were I to be judged as I judge others, what hope do I have?

O Lord, move my heart to love and forgiveness. Teach me true compassion, with kindliness to look upon my neighbors’ faults. Still within me the aggravations of this day and my unjust criticisms, let me see myself as I truly am, help me to judge my own reactions rather than dwell upon those of others. Help me to banish from my heart and memory all resentments, anger and annoyance. Even there where my dislike is justified, temper my feelings with charity and contrition for my own share in the world’s sin. May I this night and at all times forgive seventy times seven and be worthy of Thee and not have to fear Thy judgment, for Thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Our Father Carpatho-Russian

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/22_MIXST022_unknown.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Our-Father-CarpatheanChant.pdf

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Our Father Saturday Meditation

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 122

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Our Father – Princess Ileana of Romania Mother Alexandra – Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer



Lead us not into temptation

FROM temptation spare me, O Lord. Let me not fall a victim to the wiles of the enemy who stands ever ready to guide me amiss. Let me distinguish the pearl without price and not be dazzled by the tinsel and the gold. Teach me to guard my tongue from useless words. Help me always to ask myself: is this of good report? Am I by saying or doing this working for the Kingdom of Heaven? Or am I serving Satan and his angels? Give me clear eyes and judgment that I may throughout this day make the right choice. Where there is darkness, let me see light; in the midst of turmoil let me find the core of stillness. Let no fear enter my soul, but teach me bravely to face every problem and all enmity and never let me compromise with evil. Let me never forget that man does not live by bread alone, but by Thy word. Let me owe no man anything but love so that in loving one another we may fulfill Thy law and set temptation at naught.




But deliver us from evil

O LORD God, let me give the evil one no grounds to have a hold on me, neither waking nor sleeping. In this world of tribulation I shall have no fear because Thou hast overcome the world and its prince.

I trust myself under the guardianship of Thine Angel; let him cover me this night with the feathers of his protection that I may rest secure from any assault of the enemy. I shall not fear the terror that walks in the darkness. As through this day Thy loving kindness has shielded me, even so this night be my safeguard, O my gentle Lord.

I thank Thee and bless Thee for all the good things of this day, for the protection of my dear ones, for the numerous blessings that we, all Thy creatures, have experienced this day, especially for those moments when we have overcome the wiles of the evil one.

I entrust all my nearest and dearest to Thy loving care. Because the Lord is my light and the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Glory be to Thee, 0 Christ.



Our Father Carpatho-Russian

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/22_MIXST022_unknown.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Our-Father-CarpatheanChant.pdf


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Our Father Sunday Meditation

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 123

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Our Father – Princess Ileana of Romania Mother Alexandra – Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer



For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

THY Kingdom, O Lord, I seek. Thee do I praise and glorify. All that is, is Thine. Thou hast made it all: all life, all things, all thoughts reflect Thee. Thy loving kindness, Thy mercy lay upon all things. Yet none of these things hold Thee who art beyond thought or comprehension. Only Thy love transcends all unknowing and reaches me who am but one of Thy humble children. How grateful am I to the Grace that made me one of the human race! Let me be worthy of my brethren and of Thy Saints.

This day hast Thou set aside for rest because on this day Thou lookest upon Thy creation and found it good. We, only we, have misused our blessing and brought sorrow and death into our lives. But Thou art Love and Light and Life and through the resurrection of Thy Son hast given back to this day its holiness and wholeness. Holy, holy, holy art Thou, O Lord, God of Hosts!




Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

THOU, who art Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Thou, who art the inn on the road and the end of the road, bless me at the close of this day. If it is to be my last, dear Lord, forgive what I have done amiss, for in Thy mercy do I trust. Of myself naught am I. Finite and small, I lay me in Thy Hand to hold and shield me and, if Thou wilt, take me to Thee. Only this have I to recommend me, that Thou has made me; nothing have I to give Thee, for all I have has come of Thee; only my love is mine own to give or to withhold. Lord our Father, accept my love, the truest and purest that I can give. Love Thou Thyself art; herein lies my own link with eternity that I love Thee and so am part of Thine own, Thou who werest, art and ever shalt be.

Glory be to Thee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, both now and ever and unto ages of ages.



Our Father Carpatho-Russian

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/22_MIXST022_unknown.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Our-Father-CarpatheanChant.pdf

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Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name;

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive those who are indebted to us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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Father, bless

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 125

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Before Reading the Holy Scripture

Illumine our hearts, O Master Who lovest mankind, with the pure light of Thy divine knowledge. Open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of Thy gospel teachings. Implant also in us the fear of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling down all carnal desires, we may enter upon a spiritual manner of living, both thinking and doing such things as are well-pleasing unto Thee. For Thou art the illumination of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever

scripture readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2019/04/12

Isaiah 45:11-17

Genesis 22:1-18

Proverbs 17:17-18:5

Isaiah 41:4-14 (6th Hour)

Outro – Our Father:  https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/Our-Father-e3nohf

Our Father, Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name;

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive those who are indebted to us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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Resurrection Troparion

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 126

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Before Reading the Holy Scripture

Illumine our hearts, O Master Who lovest mankind, with the pure light of Thy divine knowledge. Open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of Thy gospel teachings. Implant also in us the fear of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling down all carnal desires, we may enter upon a spiritual manner of living, both thinking and doing such things as are well-pleasing unto Thee. For Thou art the illumination of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever

scripture readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2019/04/13

Hebrews 9:1-7

Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

Hebrews 9:24-28

Mark 8:27-31


Resurrection Tone 5 Kievan Variant

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/MIR-Res-trop-t5.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Res-trop-t5BEBE.pdf


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St Mary of Egypt

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 127

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Before Reading the Holy Scripture

Illumine our hearts, O Master Who lovest mankind, with the pure light of Thy divine knowledge. Open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of Thy gospel teachings. Implant also in us the fear of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling down all carnal desires, we may enter upon a spiritual manner of living, both thinking and doing such things as are well-pleasing unto Thee. For Thou art the illumination of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

scripture readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2019/04/15

Mark 16:1-8

Galatians 3:23-29

Luke 7:36-50

Hebrews 9:11-14

Mark 10:32-45

Resurrection Tone 5 Kievan Variant

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/MIR-Res-trop-t5.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Res-trop-t5BEBE.pdf

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Fear the Lord

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 128

Intro – Fetched  Away: https://anchor.fm/lkisaid/episodes/fetched-away-e2jq9d/a-a6htvf

Before Reading the Holy Scripture

Illumine our hearts, O Master Who lovest mankind, with the pure light of Thy divine knowledge. Open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of Thy gospel teachings. Implant also in us the fear of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling down all carnal desires, we may enter upon a spiritual manner of living, both thinking and doing such things as are well-pleasing unto Thee. For Thou art the illumination of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

scripture readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2019/04/17

Isaiah 58:1-11

Genesis 43:26-31, 45:1-16

Proverbs 21:23-22:4

Resurrection Tone 5 Kievan Variant

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/MIR-Res-trop-t5.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Res-trop-t5BEBE.pdf

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Lazarus Saturday

lkisaid thoughts, sounds and creative miscellany episode 129

Troparion and Exapostelaria of Lazarus Saturday


Before Reading the Holy Scripture

Illumine our hearts, O Master Who lovest mankind, with the pure light of Thy divine knowledge. Open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of Thy gospel teachings. Implant also in us the fear of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling down all carnal desires, we may enter upon a spiritual manner of living, both thinking and doing such things as are well-pleasing unto Thee. For Thou art the illumination of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

scripture readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2019/04/20

Hebrews 12:28-13:8

John 11:1-45

Lord I Call – Tone 5

mp3: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/01_MIXST073_TwoPart.mp3

sheet music: https://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org/files/Lord-I-Call-t5YES.pdf

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